Weather Forecats CEBU City Wettervorhersage Cebu City |
Philippine Yearly Calendar weeks include
Philippinischer Jahreskalender mit Wochenanzeige
OANDA Currency Converte OANDA Währungsumrechner |
Hurricane/Typhoon Track Observation Philippines Aktuelle Hurrikanes/Taifunes Philippinen |
Tide Table for Cebu, Philippines Tiden Tabelle/Kalender Cebu, Philippines |
The most convenient way to get to Bohol from the neighboring islands is by fast ferry. Fast ferries offer a high speed passenger service, often using Singapore or Danish built catamaran type
motorboats. These have a cruising speed of about 50 kilometers per hour. When you are on board, these boats resemble aircraft, including the safety instruction video just before departure. The
fare is about three times the fare of a regular ferry. Some have a small open-air deck, where you can feel the breeze and watch the islands pass by, but others don't allow you to go outside
during the trip. |
Regular Ferry Schedules
- Sulpicio Lines
- Cebu Ferries
- Trans-Asia Shipping Lines
- Cokaliong Shipping Lines
- Lite Shipping Corporation
- Jadestar Shipping Lines
A large number of regular ferries connect Bohol with the other islands of the Philippines. They are the cheapest way to travel from island to island, and hence can be very crowded during high
season (just before the Holy Week or Christmas).
This list is far from exhaustive, and schedules tend to change often, especially with the smaller shipping companies. If you have
additional information, please tell us, so that we can share it here.
When you go to Bohol from Cebu, you have to head to Pier 3 to go to Tubigon, or Pier 1 or 4 to go to Tagbilaran. Note
that the route via Tubigon is normally cheaper (also by fastcraft), and can be faster, even when going to Tagbilaran, if you take a V-hire or bus from Tubigon to Tagbilaran. |
OCEAN-JET ferry connections between Cebu City and Tagbilaran City. Schedule may change without prior notice. If you need assistance, contact us at 255-7560 or e-mail OJ at
customerservice@oceanjet.net |
Please take note: Schedules are subject to change without prior notice. For daily schedules, fares and other destinations, please check out the Airline websites or you can contact them directly
. |
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